Sydney over at The Daybook is the creator of Awkward and Awesome Thursdays. How does it work? Head on over to her blog (she has amazing amazing fashion taste, like amazing) and pick up her button and add your blog to her list. Then, blog about you're awkward and awesome week. Simple enough right?
finding olive oil in the bathroom at boyfriends house last night. im not even sure what his mom is using that for. i really hope shes not drinking it straight. (she has sleep issues, once she put broccoli in her purse)
the fact that i sat in the bathroom thinking about this post. TMI, i'm not ashamed though.
the fact i just told my online friend that i miss his face. ive never even met him, but thats just what i say when i miss someone.
when my coworker, whos really the sweetest ever tells me that i have beautiful hair. it wouldnt be so awkward if he wasn't over 40.
that it's going to rain tomorrow instead of snow. i'm so over the snow. i don't even mind the rain.
that i have class monday. yes, im excited. having it off last monday for presidents day was kinda sad. i love love learning about EKG.
that my BFF Brian has a project going on that I am so excited and proud about. (see beaming bff!that would be me!)
that i'm not AS poor as i thought i was, which means i can hopefully continue with my little project soon. and as soon as i do, then i can let you know what i've been up too.
i'm going to h2o this year, no, ifs ands or buts about it. its just too good of a time. and i'm going with some amazing people, i hope!
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