Monday, September 12, 2011

On Things That Happened This Weekend.

This weekend was especially busy. And busy weekends are always a ton of fun.

Saturday afternoon was spent bike riding around the neighborhood with my bff. She ran. I biked. lol. She really wanted to run, I don't know why. Then we headed out to Target so she could get some things. Then I headed to boyfriend's after he got out of work. He and I headed to the pig roast at the bar. The old man bar. Sportys.

The pig was good. The pasta salad & homemade mac & cheese were even better. I must get the receipe from Jay. (the owner of the bar).

After that, we headed back to boyfriend's. We watched some NASCAR & some of the Yankees game. I was sleepy, so around 11pm, I headed home.

Yesterday morning I woke up early, got ready, got breakfast at Dunkin Donuts for boyfriend and I and then it was off to see Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star.

I really, really love Nick Swarson. But that movie, was horrible. I really hope he, I just have no words for it.

He's so dreamy. Erm, moving on. After the movie, I headed back to boyfriend's. I cleaned out my car, then headed out to pick the bff up. We were off to Elmsford, NY for a vw gtg at Phantom Motorwerks.

Just a general pic of the shop.
We got lost about a zillion times. Then finally found it. And found our friends, Rich & Tom. We only stayed for a bit, then Rich, Tom, Mario, Kelly & I headed to a field down the street and hit some tennis balls around with a pink wiffle bat. Yea, we are classy. hahah. It was a lot of fun though! Then we headed back to CT. I went to boyfriend's and just watched some football with him & then headed home for the night.

I still have so much to do to my car. Sigh. Only 11 days away from vacation. I cannot wait. I have to meet with Amanda (my h2o roomie/friend/driving partner down there) soon. We have to buy food and make plans. I just really hope she's still coming. We really haven't talked about it in a while and I've had lots of bad luck with people staying pretty mum about things and cancelling at the last minute. But, I have faith. Maybe she's just been really busy.

And maybe I have a serious planning problem. hahah.

What did you do this weekend?
Are you a planner or more laid back about events?


Kasey said...

I love Nick Swardson too. Whenever I watch one of his specials on Comedy Central, I get a little crush on him.

This weekend, we went camping with some of our volleyball team and went canoeing on Saturday. It was so fun. We did it last year too, but this year we had a few more people come and it was just a blast.

I have a planning problem too. I like to get a plan in order for the weekends and D will just be like "I don't know" and it drives me nuts! But when it comes to someone's bachelor party or something, he is all of a sudden Mr. Planner. haha.

Brooke T said...

Aw, I kinda knew that movie wasn't going to do well but hoped it would because I love him too!!

Unknown said...

Ahhh- we were going to go see that. I'm glad we didn't I even told my hubs it looks like one of those movies that could end up being really stupid and I didn't want to waste a night away from home on it. Thanks for the heads up.

Nichole @ said...

I didn't have high hopes for this movie, either. Thanks to you I won't see it, lol. Bummer though b/c normally I think he is pretty funny

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