Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fabulous Fall: Blog Challenge. {What Do You Do For Halloween/Halloween Memory}

Amber over at Brunch with Amber is heading up a blog challenge called Fabulous Fall!
Everyday starting today, she'll have a new topic to participate in for the next two weeks. Today's post is on Halloween.
I love, love, love Halloween.

I still love dressing up. But, usually it's with stuff from my closet. Why are Halloween costumes $70? I still cannot figure that out. And, why are they so skimpy? hahah.

Last year was a pretty quiet year. Dressed up as a beat up Yankees player (only because I had no Red Sox gear).

Boyfriend and his best friend and I headed on over to the our local sports bar and hung out for a while. Then it was off to Denny's for some food. Probably will be the same thing this year. And I love it.

What do you do for Halloween?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! This year you should dress up as a beat up Giants fan...
(I know, that's mean, but it's kinda funny too)

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