Thursday, July 28, 2011

A (Gasp) Baby Post.

I'm here to tell you guys best friend is pregnant. (Who thought it was me?) But, yes the best friend is pregnant! I'm super duper excited for her.

To be 100% honest, I was not thrilled when I heard the news. Her cousin and my other best friend Kelly told me. And I was all, shut the front door! At the time, the best friend and I were not speaking terms. I have to admit, I was pretty grudgey judgey at her.

She met Michael (her boyfriend and now baby daddy) about five weeks ago. They met online on a game and talked on the phone for probably about a month before he came down from Massachusetts and stayed the weekend. They fell in love that weekend, the next weekend were 'engaged', and most likely the same weekend they conceived the baby.

I was absolutely floored and in shock when I heard this. I just couldn't comprehend how someone she barely knew could mean sooo much to her. I was very judgemental. I was hurt as well. This man had just stepped into her life and completely pushed me out (or so it seemed). We fought, made up and fought again.

Then I took a step back and realized I was being impractical. This wasn't my life. She wasn't my daughter. She was my best friend. How dare I judge her?

So, last night we hung out.

We went to the baby store, she bought a body pillow because it's already hard for her to sleep. Which is a tad strange. I mean I've never been pregnant, so I assume everyone's body is different. But, she already has a tiny bump and her jeans don't really fit. Anyone know why? Her and I just both curious.

Then we went back to her apt and just talked. She was beaming with joy. Her face was happier than I've ever seen it. I told her how I felt. I was just scared and very concerned that he would leave her (lets hope not) or that he doens't really have as much as he says he does. She said those fears were in the back of her mind as well but she knew, with everything in her that he was the one.

We talked about baby names, they want Mitchell if it's a boy and Gabriella if it's a girl. I lovee those names. And I love her and her unborn baby even if it's just the size of an orange seed.

I will support her no matter what. I promise that to her. I'm so excited to be 'Auntie Nickie.' I'm excited to feel her baby kick and to throw her an awesome shower and be her maid of honor in her wedding, whenever they do get married.

To me it's really fast, but it's what they want, so I only hope the best for them. I'm in no hurry to have a child, trust me, and I can only hope when that day comes that she feels the same.

Congrats to my best friend forever. (even if you aren't gonna read this!)

1 comment:

Sharde said...

good for you for being the best friend that you should be and supporting her. even if she makes decisions that you don't approve of, you've got to be there for her because its your bff. bffs are few and far between to come by, so you have to take advantage of them and never let go. my best friend? shes NUTS. and i've never been happier with a better friend. she actually doesn't know that shes my best friend because, like i said, shes nuts and she would freak out like i said i wanted to marry her or something. its a little game we play hahaha. i guess.

anywho, i'm glad i stopped by and read up on whats going on with you :)

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