Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On A Few Of My Favorite Things..

Today is a kinda cold, raw day. I think it finally stopped raining for a while, but it will be back tonight into tomorrow. Oh April Showers. So I thought I'd share some of the things I love that are summer related.

Clearwater Beach, FL
Boyfriend and I are very grateful that his mama has a condo in this area. Every November, we head down and soak in the sunshine. It's nice to wear flippy flops I must say!

Kool-Aid always makes me think of summer and the beautiful days spent playing outside as a child. I still drink it to this day. Seriously, I made some last night. Boyfriend and I love it.

Flip Flops
I lovee flip flops. So much so, I probably own like literally 15-20 different pairs. It's an obsession. My feet love to be out of socks though. I actually loathe socks. So these are essential to my summer and fall and sometimes winter if it's not below 50. I told you I had a problem hahah.

Suntan Lotion
I really wish I was joking about this, but I'm not. hahah. I loovee sunscreen. It's really bizarre I know. But I love the way it smells. As soon as I put it on I feel like I'm at the beach even if I'm not. Plus, I like to protect my skin. I hardly every get burnt regardless, but still, I hate burning. It makes my knees achy.

Sun & Sand by Yankee Candle

Why is this the best smelling candle on earth? I could seriously stand there forever and smell it. It smells exactly like sunscreen and the beach mixed together which may just be the best scent ever. I probably have yet to buy it for the exact reason that I would sit in my room all day smelling it. Okay, maybe not. But at least 1/2 the day. Hahha.

What are some summer scents/scenes that you guys love?


Michelle said...

I love Sun/Sand by Yankee Candle! It's my fave! I love flip flops too and of course have every color imaginable! Can't wait for summer!

erica said...

Oh how I am dreaming of summer days! I love the sun/sand candle!


krystal said...

I live near Clearwater Beach -- it's just the BEST! :)

Sheri, RN said...

Ohhh I love love love all of those things too! :) That candle i always buy to remind me of home. :)

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