Monday, March 7, 2011

Miscellany Mondays v3

Oh hey, its Monday. So click the button above and head over to lowercase letters. It's awesome, I promise you.

-this is not a good Monday at all. I am stressed to the max of my stress limits. I love my job, okay let me try that again, I love the people I work with. My actual job duties; not so much. I work for a restoration company (we cleanup/repair after fires, water damage, puffback, etc). We have been swamped since winter has started with losses. I am honestly so sick and tired of getting the brunt of the workload. I have about 3 HUGE estimates to do; while my coworker has 1. Why why why must I do everything? It's really getting to me and the main reason why I am going to school.
-other than all that jazz up above; class tonight! hoping we get our quizzes back from last week. i think i did pretty well; i studied my butt off. but i am not the greatest at test taking. i freeze a little. but than i just think about what I learned & try and apply it to situations in my life & it really helps.
-this weekend boyfriend & I saw Rango. While Johnny Depp makes a pretty cute lizard, the film was lacking I guess you could say. It kinda dragged on and wasn't as funny as I expected it to be. Hopefully boyfriend's pick next week of Adjustment Bureau will be good. Matt Damon is an awesome actor in my opinion.
-it rained for all day yesterday + really hard. that equates to some serious flooding in parts of the state. this is the time i'm glad I live on a nice big hill, although sometimes we our basement gets a little bit of water inside it.

1 comment:

Elysie Piecie said...

Hi! I'm Elyse, I saw your comment over at Oh Mishka's. I love your blog name! I am a Southern Girl, but I do have family up North, so I thought it was adorable. I hope you're having a great day!

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