Friday, March 11, 2011

Awkward and Awesome (via the Daybook)

Sydney over at The Daybook is the creator of Awkward and Awesome Thursdays. How does it work? Head on over to her blog (she has amazing amazing fashion taste, like amazing) and pick up her button and add your blog to her list. Then, blog about you're awkward and awesome week. Simple enough right?


-my pants. wait what? yea, theyre a little too long and I am horrific at rolling them up all nice, nice.
-the tension in this office. it sucks. its high. booo.
-when boyfriends dog almost hurts himself being so excited when I pick him up from doggie daycare.
-when in Walmart staring profusely at someone because I think theyre someone else; when in actuality they are who they are and I still know them so they say hi awkwardly. way to go Nickie.


-boyfriend gets tomorrow off. paid. that means two WHOLE days with him. i'm giddy over this.
-buying goodies at Target for our future place of residence together. yea its a tad early, we still don't know if we are even gonna move this year. Dan really wants a condo; but we have to save for at least another year so that we don't become housepoor.
-HGTV. Nuff said.

1 comment:

Popcorn, Pugs & Peonies said...

I totally agree with you about HGTV. I have an addiction, and I've got it bad:)

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