Monday, February 28, 2011

Miscellany Mondays v2

Oh hey, its Monday. So click the button above and head over to lowercase letters. It's awesome, I promise you.

-It's raining like woah but I'm excited for class tonight, yes that's right, 100% excited to be back in class. I love EKG.
-Boyfriend and I had a great weekend! We saw Just Go With It, went to the airsoft store to scope out some airsoft guns and just enjoyed the warm sunshine yesterday!
-I came into work late today because my neighborhood was a sheet of ice, I live on top of a huge hill. But, I still love my 'hood, especially in the summer.
-I'm so ready for spring, I cannot believe tomorrow is March 1.
-I'm excited to get some a new video game, called Homefront.
-I'm currently in the mood for iHop?!
-And Bff Brian's guest post is coming up next. Are you excited? I am. =)

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