I've been trying to decide the best way to get this info out. So, I guess I'll stop stalling & just say it. I'm single.
Yes, that's correct. I was the dumper.
Let me start by saying, it was a hard decision. A really, really hard one. I do love Dan a lot. I think he's a really nice guy, but we have issues that I know in my heart could never be fixed. We've tried. A lot.
We worked well, most of the time. But Dan has a lot of growing up to do. He enjoys going to work, coming home and playing xbox. He's kinda lazy. Hate to say it but it's true. He never, ever surprises me. Never, ever leaves me little notes, or anything. He won't come on walks with me when I used to take his dog on them. I'd always go out with him & his friends, but he'd never go out with me & mine.
I'm not trying to throw him under the bus by any means, but getting it all out feels good. We've broken up a couple times before. Each & everytime he's said he's trying to change. But, he doesn't. He does for a mnth or two & then goes right back. It's not his fault, its just who he is.
It sucks a lot. It does. I love him & I really wish we could work, but I know in my heart, I'll never be 100% happy.